Achieving Net Impact™
SEO & Reputation Management

The Internet Has Won
When was the last time you opened the Yellow Pages? How long has it been since you turned to the classifieds in your local newspaper? Can you count on one hand the number of direct mail solicitations you opened in the last month?
Now ask yourself what your potential clients and customers are doing.
If they are like you, chances are they use the Internet to find the products and services they need. And they use search engines like Google to search the web to find exactly what they need that offers the best value.
Convenience. Price. Value.
The web is the consumer's shopping mall. The web is the everyday trade show for business to business sales. Successful businesses use the Internet to promote and sell their products 24/7.
Successful Businesses Don't Hide
Imagine holding a sale and never putting up the signs in the window.
Imagine offering a unique product or service to customers and clients but never telling them about it.
Yet that is exactly what most businesses do with their websites. They spend a pretty penny designing an attractive and informative site only to let it slowly sink to the bottom in the web backwaters while their competitors skillfully navigate the swift current.
Launching a new website doesn't mean people will visit. It must be found by those potential clients and customers who will become paying ones.
Search Engines are Free Advertising
The vast majority of website visitors discover and go to a website because they found it on a search engine. They google it.
85% of those searchers will only click on a natural or organic search result — just 15% will click on a paid or sponsored ad on the search results page.
And these new website visitors — potential customers — usually click one or more of the links on the first three pages of search results. If your site is not on those first three pages then it may as well not exist.
Search Engine Optimization Gets You Noticed
So how do you get your site listed on the first three pages of results?
Quality content. Relevant content. Optimized content.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of developing and tailoring good website content in such a way that it attracts the interest of the search engine spiders which crawl the web and index web pages. SEO is the art and science of ensuring that website content gets noticed by the search engines and is ranked highly for quality and relevance.
High rankings on the search engines mean more clicks and visits to your website. More visits. More customers. More sales. More profits.
Consulatio™ has a proven track record of successful search engine optimization for its clients' websites with its advanced NetImpact℠ SEO program. Learn more about SEO by clicking Why SEO?
Learn more about the proven competitive advantage Consulatio can bring to your business and website by clicking Why Consulatio?
Reputations Are Made or Broken on the Internet
In the age of the Internet, bad news travels fast. It is the new water cooler — the new rumor mill — but one that moves at the speed of light. Bad news can "go viral" in an instant, causing damage that can linger for months or even years.
It can start as a seemingly innocuous customer complaint or a defective product purchase and before you know it be viewed a million times on YouTube or be the feature story on Consumerist or CNN. And with the power and reach of blogs, social networks and Twitter, a simple misunderstanding or inept response by a CSR spins out of control causing untold damage to reputation and the bottomline.
Putting the genie back in the bottle is difficult and the sometimes heavy-handed approach used by traditional public relations teams can often exacerbate the problem.
Despite such challenges, effective and robust responses are possible by using the very channels responsible for the media circus in the first place.
Consulatio specializes in Online Reputation Management. For clients with undeserved reputations, we use traditional SEO techniques and new social networking tools to mitigate bad reputations. We drive down negative mentions and improve positive mentions as part of a comprehensive, yet subtle, online campaign to rehabilitate the reputation of an individual, product and/or company.
Learn more about how Consulatio can help manage your online presence and reputation by clicking Our Services.
Call (425) 686-9879 to learn more about Consulatio's SEO and Reputation Management services.
Achieving Net Impact.™